First of all, we need to declare a terraform provider. You can think of it as a library with methods to create and manage infrastructure in a specific environment. In this case, it is a Google Cloud Platform.
When you create resources in GCP such as VPC, Terraform needs a way to keep track of them. If you simply apply terraform right now, it will keep all the state locally on your computer. It's very hard to collaborate with other team members and easy to accidentally destroy all your infrastructure. You can declare Terraform backend to use remote storage instead. Since we're creating infrastructure in GCP, the logical approach would be to use Google Storage Bucket to store Terraform state. You need to provide a bucket name and a prefix.
Nothing stops you from using the existing VPC to create a Kubernetes cluster, but I will create all the infrastructure using Terraform for this lesson. For example, instead of resource, you can use data keyword to import it to Terraform. Before creating VPC in a new GCP project, you need to enable compute API. To create a GKE cluster, you also need to enable container google API.
The next step is to create a private subnet to place Kubernetes nodes. When you use the GKE cluster, the Kubernetes control plane is managed by Google, and you only need to worry about the placement of Kubernetes workers.
Next, we need to create Cloud Router to advertise routes. It will be used with the NAT gateway to allow VMs without public IP addresses to access the internet. For example, Kubernetes nodes will be able to pull docker images from the docker hub.
Now, let's create Cloud NAT. Give it a name and a reference to the Cloud Router. Then the region us-central1. You can decide to advertise this Cloud NAT to all subnets in that VPC, or you can select specific ones. In this example, I will choose the private subnet only.
The next resource is a firewall. We don't need to create any firewalls manually for GKE; it's just to give you an example. This firewall will allow sshing to the compute instances within VPC.
Before we can create node groups for Kubernetes, if we want to follow best practices, we need to create a dedicated service account. In this tutorial, we will create two node groups.
To run Terraform locally on your computer, you need to configure default application credentials. Run gcloud auth application-default login command. It will open the default browser, where you would need to complete authorization.
The first command that you need to run is terraform init. It will download google provider and initialize the Terraform backend to use GS bucket. To actually create all those resources that we defined in Terraform, we need to run terraform apply.
Now let's deploy a few examples to the Kubernetes. The first one is the deployment object to demonstrate cluster autoscaling. Let's use the nginx image and set two replicas. We want to deploy it to the spot instance group that does not have any nodes right now.
In the following example, I'll show you how to use workload identity and grant access for the pod to list GS buckets. First of all, we need to create a service account in the Google Cloud Platform.
Time to create the second example. The first will be a staging namespace. Then the deployment. Give it a name gcloud and specify the same staging namespace.
We will reuse the deployment object created earlier for the autoscaling demo. This service will select those pods by using the app: nginx label. Then the ingress itself.